Understanding Registered Teacher Apprenticeship Pr...

    Embarking on the teaching profession can be a rewarding and life-changing experience. A new model, known as the registered teacher apprentic...
    3 min read

    Could a Teacher Apprenticeship Program Alleviate T...

    As intriguing as the proposition might seem, a dive into the phenomenon of teacher shortages and the potential of teacher apprenticeships re...
    3 min read

    Narrow Definitions Constrict Creativity: More on B...

    For this blog, I’d like to debunk some common math misconceptions further. Specifically, you might be surprised to learn that elementary sch...
    8 min read

    Knowing vs Using "Basic Math Facts"

    If you pay attention to social media and other media outlets, you’ll see a steady stream of angsty posts, fear-based articles, and memes lik...
    5 min read

    Empowering Math Educators: A Training Program

    Discover the key components of an effective math teacher training program and how it can empower educators to excel in the classroom.
    5 min read

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