Emergency Teaching Licenses: How MathTrack Can Assist with Renewal
The concept of emergency teaching licenses emerged in 20th century in the United States as a temporary solution to address teacher shortages, particularly in rural areas or during times of crisis. These licenses allow individuals with a bachelor's degree but without formal teacher training to lead a classroom. Initially, they were intended to be short-term measures, but as teacher shortages persisted, many states extended emergency licenses or made them more accessible.
How do emergency licenses work?
Each state handles temporary licensure a little differently. For example, in Indiana emergency licenses can be issued to anyone with a compliant bachelor's degree for up to 3 years. However, you are required to show proof of progress towards earning full licensure to renew the emergency license, and if you don't earn full licensure by the end of the 3 years your options for continuing to teach are limited.
In a report updated in 2024, the Learning Policy Institute estimated the number of teachers not fully certified for their teaching assignments is at minimum 365,044. That's 11.3% of the total number of teachers across all 50 states. This number is not exclusive to emergency licenses, including for example teachers who are fully licensed in one area but teaching in another, but it is a sign that licensure is a significant barrier for filling classrooms, making emergency licenses an important piece of the puzzle. However, it can be a challenge for educators working under emergency licenses to navigate the requirements and restrictions of this type of certification.
MathTrack Institute can help teachers renew their emergency license
Limiting the time you can work under an emergency license, and requiring enrollment in teacher training are common interventions states use to regulate this temporary licensure options. While these licenses remain a viable solution for filling positions amidst teacher shortages, they require educators to pursue training that puts them on a path to full teacher certification. If you are working under a temporary teaching permit you will want to consult your state's Department of Education to make sure you understand how long the license is, and what renewal criteria looks like.
The MathTrack Institute Transition to Teaching (T2T) Program for 5-12 mathematics can be a great solution for those looking to meet temporary license renewal requirements. The program provides avenues for direct licensure in Indiana, West Virginia, and Arkansas, but also has reciprocity with most other states. It is a flexible option that offers:
- Rolling enrollment, making it possible to start the program at any time during the year
- Online and self-paced courses, making it easy to make progress while working full time
- Math content and licensure test support
- Dedicated support team, making it easy get help with licensure and teaching resources
As an approved alternative certification program it is an official licensure pathway, making it a viable solution for those working under an emergency license who need show proof of progress towards earning full licensure. Find out if you qualify for enrollment by filling out our T2T application.
Still have questions?
MathTrack Institute is a leading expert in teacher licensure and is here to help you navigate your specific situation and certification needs. To get personalized support with licensure, including emergency or temporary licenses, you can contact us for assistance.
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