Narrow Definitions Constrict Creativity: More on B...

    For this blog, I’d like to debunk some common math misconceptions further. Specifically, you might be surprised to learn that elementary sch...
    8 min read

    Knowing vs Using "Basic Math Facts"

    If you pay attention to social media and other media outlets, you’ll see a steady stream of angsty posts, fear-based articles, and memes lik...
    5 min read

    Time (now) to Think About Your Teaching Talent

    Welcome back from the winter holidays! Here’s hoping you’re feeling enthusiastic and refreshed rolling into the coming semester. Or maybe yo...
    2 min read

    Building a Stronger Talent Pipeline for Your Commu...

    Today, our communities' schools grapple with the challenge of recruiting and retaining K-12 teachers at a time when cultural forces have bat...
    3 min read

    What does "Grow Your Own" Teacher Talent Mean?

    Your teacher talent is the single most influential school factor in student achievement (Aaronson et al., 2007; Chetty et al., 2014; Kane & ...
    3 min read

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